
Saturday, July 18, 2009

Oatmeal Cake

This is by far one of my favorite cakes. The picture just doesn't do it justice--so trust me on this one. My mom is such an amazing cook and she used to make this for us a lot when we were growing up. I made it last Sunday and had slightly forgotten how amazing it is! It is really, really moist and I could eat the the icing on a rock and it would still be delicious. The oatmeal makes it so moist (did I already say that...I think you can tell how I feel about it). The icing is somewhat similar to the kind you would find on a german chocolate cake--but it pairs perfectly with the oatmeal cake. I had grand intentions of sticking to my healthy eating when I made this (I planned to just share it)--but those intentions and willpower went out the window because the cake is so yummy!

Oatmeal Cake
from Barbs (aka my mom)
1 ½ C water
1 Cup oatmeal
Add oatmeal to boiling water, let set for 20 minutes

½ C shortening
1 C sugar
1 C brown sugar
2 eggs
1 ½ C flour
1 tsp soda
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp salt
1 tsp cinnamon
Cream shortening, sugar, and eggs. Add flour alternating with the oatmeal. Bake at 350 in a greased 9x13 pan for 35 min—watch to make sure it’s not overdone

½ C butter, softened
¾ C brown sugar
1/3 C evaporated milk
1 tsp vanilla
¾ C coconut
¾ C nuts (optional)
Cream together and spread on hot cake.

Tips: I'm still adjusting to the temperature of my new oven and so I checked it continuously and pulled it out once the toothpick was totally dry when inserted in the middle. It might look a teensy brown (I'm kind of anal about my baked goods not browning)--but once the frosting goes on it is perfect.


  1. It's been a while since I've had oatmeal cake. Your version sounds fabulous! How lucky to grow up with a mom who is a great cook!

  2. My grandma makes oatmeal cake. This looks and sounds amazing!

  3. Drat. I'm just going to HAVE to make this today, and then I'll probably HAVE to eat several pieces. There goes my diet.

  4. By the way, is that baked in a 9x13" pan?

  5. Good question, Patti. I'll go update it right now--yes, it is a 9x13. Good luck not eating every morsel :-!

  6. Thanks, Marissa. You answered my question just in time. I've got the batter ready to bake!

  7. That's interesting. I would never have thought of adding cooked oatmeal to cake. The cake, the icing, everything looks so delicious.


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