
Thursday, September 2, 2010

Crispy Chicken Breasts

I don't know about where you live--but fall is in the air in my neck of the woods.  School is fully back in swing and the last week has been seasonably cooler and the air has that autumn crispness.   I love it!  Now, if only fall would just stay for months and never turn into winter.  Things have been kind of crazy this summer at our house and so I'm ready for more routine.  For one thing--I'm pregnant and have been sick, sick, sick and am finally getting over that and so I'm ready to get back in the kitchen and cooking and sharing recipes.   I sent my oldest to first grade this year and my baby just started preschool this morning.  And so hopefully that will give me more time to blog now!

Now on to the food... This recipe is comfort food at it's best.  And I crave comfort food as the weather gets cooler.  I've seen a few different variations of this recipe floating around the internet.  But this is the one that came many, many years ago in a church cookbook that my mom had.  It is amazing!  The chicken is ooey, gooey (how's that for a description) with the melted Swiss cheese and it melds perfectly with the stuffing and chicken flavors.   And I love that it's served over Rice Pilaf because it adds a great texture and delicious flavor.  And it's one of those meals that is so easy because you just throw it together and then throw it in the oven and let it do it's thing. 

Crispy Chicken Breasts from Erin S.

6-8 boneless, skinless chicken breasts (I use chicken tenderloins--they stay more moist)
1 (10 3/4 oz) can cream of chicken soup
1 (6 oz) box Stove Top Stuffing
1 lb. swiss cheese
1 stick butter (I use 1/2 stick)

Arrange chicken in a 9x13 pan.  Slice swiss cheese and layer over chicken.  Mix soup with 1 can milk and pour over chicken.  Sprinkle with dressing.  Melt butter and drizzle over top.  Cover with foil and bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes.  Can remove foil at end of baking to make stuffing a little crispy.  Serve over rice pilaf.


  1. This looks SOO good!! thanks!

  2. Yum! I will definitely be giving this recipe a try!

    Oh, and I thought you should know that I was talking to my mom last night about recipes and she said she likes to look at your blog because you have a lot of good recipes on it! Because you do!



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