
Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Pineapple, Shrimp, and Chicken Fried Rice

My mother-in-law and I were able to go to some amazing cooking classes taught by a woman from our church who is from Vietnam and has married a Chinese man. They used to also own a Chinese restaurant a few years ago--so it was quite a treat to have her teach us how to make authentic, delicious Chinese food. I will be the first to admit (much to my husband's chagrin) that I am not always a huge fan of Chinese food. I'm rather picky about it and can't do the whole buffet or fast-food Chinese food genre. I only like it when it is fresh and high-quality (I know, I know...I'm probably crazy)--which usually translates to an expensive Chinese restaurant and so we don't do it very frequently. I also have to add the disclaimer that fried rice is probably my least favorite...

That being said--the food she taught us to make was amazing! I'll have to also post her homemade potstickers on here, too. They will blow you away! This rice is so, so, so good! And coming from me--that is saying a lot (as I just described). It doesn't have the overwhelming soy sauce and eggy taste that fried rice characteristically (at least to me) has. It has the perfect amount of sweet and salty with the pineapple and raisins and subtle Chinese flavors. I know it sounds really strange probably. But trust me when I say that it is awesome! I also loved the crunch of the cashews. The flavors meld together perfectly and make for one memorable fried rice. It was also surprisingly easy to put together--so don't be discouraged by the long list of ingredients.

Pineapple, Shrimp, Chicken Fried Rice from Na Chao

6 shelled shrimp (we omitted daughter's allergic)
1 C chicken breast
2 C cooked rice
1/2 C fresh or canned pineapple pieces
1/4 C cashew nuts (we used more)
1 T chopped green onions
1/2 C frozen peas and carrots (we just used shredded carrots)
1 tsp finely chopped garlic
1/4 tsp black pepper
2 T raisins

*We also added about 3/4 C chopped celery

1 T soy sauce
1 tsp sesame oil
1/4 tsp sugar
dash of pepper

1/4 tsp sugar
a dash of garlic salt powder
1/4 tsp sesame oil

1/4 tsp chicken bouillon powder (I just broke apart a bouillon cube)
1 T soy sauce
dash of black pepper

2 eggs
1/4 tsp salt
dash of black pepper


-Peel off the shrimp shell. Then devein the shrimp and rinse and drain. Mix and B and marinate for 1/2 hour before frying.

-Cut the chicken breast into small bite size pieces and mix with A.

-Heat 2 T oil and 1 tsp garlic then stir-fry the chicken until no longer pink. Then set aside.

-Heat 2 T oil and stir fry the shrimp until the color changes. Add rice, pineapple, green peas and carrots, and D. Stir fry until slightly solid. Then add C. Stir fry to mix. Serve.

Tips: We did 3 chicken breasts since we had omitted the shrimp and it tasted great. You could get creative and add other vegetables that you might like. But the combo of the vegetables she has in this recipe are fantastic.


  1. Wow this recipe looks awesome! I can't wait to give it a try! Yum!

  2. How fun to have a cooking class with your church group. At first I thought it odd to have fried rice with pineapple, but after your review I definitely want to try it!

  3. I'm sorry I don't remember which website I got this hint from, but if you put in a couple tablespoons of oil into the OLD rice (not freshly made), mix it in literally by hand FIRST before frying it, it actually does fry up, instead of just heating up in the frying pan. I used sesame seed oil. It makes a pretty big difference. This way the rice is coated with the sauce instead of soaking it up. It looks like a great recipe.


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