
Monday, July 6, 2009

A Twist on Salsa

What is my problem??? I just cannot get over the lazy, hazy days of summer and make myself actually blog (am I alone in this?). It might also have something to do with the fact that we're still living in limbo-land, too. Anyhow, let me share with you one of my all-time favorite appetizers/side dishes. I made this a couple of weeks ago for our family reunion and we seriously inhaled it. I doubled it and worried that I had made too much, but it was all gone within a day. It goes greats as a side for a BBQ cookout. It also adds a lot of color to any menu and has such amazing flavor. I am such a huge fan of chips and salsa and this really is such a delicious variation.

Yummy Salsa
from Leslie M.

1 can black beans (drained)
1 can corn (drained)
½ bunch cilantro
2-4 green onions
5 medium tomatoes
1-2 avocadoes (sliced into cubes)
¾ C “Just 2 Good” Italian dressing

Combine and serve with tortilla chips.

I couldn't find the "Just 2 Good" brand for the first time (I usually don't have a problem finding it). So I substituted it for Kraft Light Zesty Italian and it tasted identical to how it usually does. Also, I like it when it's really fresh and so I usually make it an hour or so before I plan on serving it. It still tastes good on the second day--just not quite as fresh and it gets more juicy.


  1. We LOVE this salsa! Did you know that you can put the pits of the avocado in the salsa and that will keep the avocados from turning brown?

  2. We LOVE this recipe! Did you know that you can put the pits of the avocados in the salsa and they will keep the avocados from turning brown?


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