
Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Random question...

So I have a question for all of you foodies. I was making my grocery list tonight and kept thinking of different recipes that I have been wanting to try from all of your great food blogs. And I was doing the whole "Now where did I see that again" or "I remember seeing a great version of that...but where?" over and over. I need a better system or way to bookmark my favorites--instead of going through blog after blog trying to recall what recipes I wanted to try. I know, I're probably all so much more organized than I am. So I'm wanting some ideas of how you do this... Do you print them out immediately? Put them in a favorites folder? Have a photographic memory? Help!


  1. When I find a recipe I know I am going to be making I either print it or write it on a recipe card with the site I found it at. You could also keep a note paper beside your computer if you want to leave them on the computer and just write the name of the recipe and the site.

  2. When I find a recipe I know I am going to be making I either print it or write it on a recipe card with the site I found it at. You could also keep a note paper beside your computer if you want to leave them on the computer and just write the name of the recipe and the site.

  3. I'm having a hard time managing all the great recipes I want to keep too. I've tried printing them, but now I just have stacks to go through. So now I'm bookmarking in a Recipes To Try folder with sub folders of recipe type. I also use Google Reader and do a search of the people I follow if I'm trying to find a recipe I didn't save. Good luck!

  4. I print it if I plan on using it right away. Sometimes I bookmark it, but usually I just forget about it, sadly. Sometimes I just go through the archives of blogs that I read to remind myself if there was anything that I really wanted to try. I need to organize myself better in this regard, because there's so many awesome recipes out there that I want to try, I just don't ever remember them!

  5. My solution is to save every recipe I want to try to a folder on my computer. I have a folder titlted "Blog Recipes" and within that folder I have lots of subfolders (main dish, cookies, etc.). I save the recipes there and when I am planning my menu I look in those folders first. Good luck!

  6. If you star them in google reader, you can then search within the starred items, etc.

    Also if you have that particular blog subscribed in your reader you can always search ALL BLOGS.

  7. To expand on what Carol VR said, after you star it you can also categorize it to your liking by clicking on "edit tags". I then will add a label such as bread or dessert or chicken or cookies. You can add as many labels as you wish so if you're looking for a dessert and you've also got other labels on it as well, you can search cookies, pie, chocolate, or whatever, by clicking on that subcategory at the bottom of your reader subscriptions on the left column.

  8. Here is what I did:

    I also have a bookmark file folder labeled "blog recipes to try".

  9. I made an email account on gmail strictly dedicated to recipes. I would always email myself recipes and they'd get lost in the shuffle of everything else. No they're all in one place. Not especially organized, but they are there.

  10. I print them out. It drives my husband crazy, cause I use a lot of ink. I do better that way them putting them in a word document. Then I have a set of manilla folders label main dish dessert, etc. that I fill all my to try recipes. The when I try and like it I add it to my binder of favorite recipes

  11. Thanks everyone for the great tips! I totally know how I'm going to organize them now. You're all so awesome to respond!

  12. You may have already decided but I use the computer files. I am also old school in that I still use a planner so I make references for ones I want to try really bad in a section that tells where to find it in my files on the computer. Since I travel alot this helps me remember where to look when I get home.

  13. Check out - it's fantastic for filing info you find on-line. By the way I am browing your recipes - they look delicious!


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