
Wednesday, February 3, 2010

BBQ Ribs

Hi! Hi! Hi! I am SO excited to be back on the blog--for real this time! We finally got all moved in to our new place and I went searching today in the depths of some unopened boxes (relegated to the basement) to find the cord to my camera. I was ecstatic when I finally found it. So do I have internet you ask? Yes and no. We closed on the house on Dec. 23rd and are still working on getting internet installed. I know--ludicrous, right? But luckily one of my kind neighbors is letting me use their unsecured wireless ("letting" being a very broad term....). I've asked any that we meet if they are that kind neighbor and I've yet to find the person to thank. Supposedly the internet people were coming out today (and yesterday and the day before that). I'm not holding my breath....but in the meantime I just had to post something.

I have many recipes to catch up on. The only bad thing is that as I was going through a couple months worth of pictures I can't remember exactly where some of the recipes came from. But that's obviously my problem and not yours. But here is one BBQ recipe that you HAVE to try. It is now my official "go to" recipe for BBQ sauce. I will never go back to just using the bottled version from the store again. And this is super easy to make! I tweaked the recipe and so I'll just post my adaptation. Enjoy! Did I already say how excited I am to be back into the foodie world?

BBQ Spareribs adapted from "The Essential Mormon Cookbook"

5 pounds country spareribs (meaty)
1 onion, chopped
2 T butter
1 1/4 C ketchup
1 C packed brown sugar
2 T Worcestershire sauce
1 C barbecue sauce

To make sauce, saute onion in butter until tender. Combine sauteed onion with remaining ingredients and pour over ribs in crock pot. If you like lots of sauce, double the sauce ingredients (but I found this amount perfectly adequate). Bake in crockpot for 6-7 hours. Would be amazing with chicken, too.
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  1. Welcome back! (Whatilove,

  2. You are making me hungry!! Glad to see you back in the blogging world!


  3. I'm pretty sure no one should click on that Chinese comment link (judging from what my browser says it will lead to. Apparently each "." is a new link, and some appear to lead to horrible pages). You should probably delete it asap!

  4. I'm so glad you're back :) This recipe sounds soooo good!


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