
Tuesday, September 21, 2010


As I've mentioned in a previous post, when I was younger I used to babysit for a phenomenal baker.  I would watch her kids every Monday after school and she would always have some yummy treat sitting on the counter.  My two favorites were her chocolate chip cookies and these phenomenal gingersnaps.  One day she had just made a fresh batch of these amazing cookies and left the recipe sitting out and so I immediately grabbed a pen and paper and wrote it down.  I was probably only fourteen at the time--so I hope I wasn't stealing a secret family recipe or anything like that.  I'm sure I mentioned to her that I copied it (I hope).  But these really do have the perfect flavor and blend of spices in them.  They have the most amazing, addictive pairing of sweet and savory--which makes it very, very easy to eat a dozen in one sitting (not that I'd ever do that....).  I made these last week and my husband and kids raved about them.  My husband usually loves chocolate sweets more than something like this so I was really surprised by how much he LOVED them.  I also love their texture--just the right amount of chewiness and slight crunch.

Gingersnaps from Michelle S.

* Cream: 1 C granulated sugar & 3/4 C butter

*Add: 1 egg and 1/4 C molasses

*Then add:
2 C. flour
2 tsp baking soda
1 tsp cloves
1/4 tsp salt
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp ginger

Roll into small balls.  Roll balls in sugar.  Bake on a lightly greased cookie sheet at 350 degrees for 8-10 minutes.  Enjoy!!!


  1. I have to make these--hopefully this weekend!! I just discovered my husband's love for gingersnaps and he'll go crazy for these! :)

  2. Just made these tonight and they were DIVINE!

  3. These sound great -- about how many cookies does one batch make?

  4. Hey BB! I'd say it makes 3-4 dozen--depending on how big you roll them. I usually make them about a tablespoon size and can get a good 4 dozen.

  5. omg! I seriously could eat the whole batch myself. so yummy!!


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