
Sunday, March 20, 2011

Teriyaki Cranberry Chicken

Where, you might ask, have I been?  Well....long story short is having a baby.  We welcomed a new little guy to our family on January 2nd.  So now we have three little amazing munchkins at our house. We named him Cole Harris.  The middle name Harris comes frome my amazing grandfather.  We are quite smitten by our new addition.

I was having contractions whenever I would stand or walk in the last trimester and was rather uncomfortable--so there wasn't a ton of grand cooking or baking happening at our house. And since his birth I've been busy doing baby, baby, and more baby.  He is so sweet and really, really, really likes being held all day and all night.  So it's made cooking a little difficult.  There.  I've put all my excuses out there and now on to the cooking that I've missed doing...

I went back through all my old pictures of food that I have yet to blog about.  And I couldn't believe that I'd never posted this recipe.  It is so delicious!  And so easy!  What could be better than that? I like doing it with boneless/skinless chicken thighs as it makes for a really moist and flavorful dish.  My kids literally devoured this the first time I made it and requested it be made again...soon.  I kind of have dinner A.D.D and rarely make a dish more than once in a month.  Often I will go months before repeating a recipe.  I just like to try new things and rotate through all the ones we love (which there are quite a few of).  However, I made this recipe again within a couple of weeks of making it because we liked it so much.  It really is very flavorful with the teriyaki and then the cranberry adding just the right amount of sweetness.  Don't be fooled by the small amount of ingredients--it is delicious!

Teriyaki-Cranberry Chicken from Debbie Nydegger

4-6 chicken breasts (I use 6-8 chicken thighs)
1 (16oz) can cranberry sauce
1 C. teriyaki sauce (Yoshida's brand works great)

Place chicken in lightly greased 9x13inch pan.  Mix cranberry sauce and teriyaki sauce together and pour over chicken.  Bake at 325 for 1 hour.  Serve with rice.


  1. Congratulations!!! He's beautiful!

  2. Congratulations!!!! Cole is so cute and pefect. I'm so happy for you. =)
    I'm also super excited to try this recipe. How in the world do you not repeat recipes for a month? I swear we eat tacos twice a week. Help me! HAHA

  3. oohh can't wait to try this one. lil' cole is adorable! can't wait to finally meet him :) lets do lunch!

  4. He is so so so cute!!! Congratulations!
    I'm thinking this could be an easy crock-pot meal as well. Sounds delicious!

  5. Congratulations on your beautiful new addition! I have a Cole too. My Cole would love this chicken dish too.

  6. my kids LOVED this thx again! keep them coming, everything I make comes from your site and my family loves all of it. miss u friend!


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