
Friday, December 4, 2009

Bye for a bit...

I have really meant to blog about a fabulous birthday cake recipe I found for my mother-in-laws birthday--not to mention the cake my husband requested for his.  But the week has gotten away from me as my husband and I are going away for a few days.  I've been consumed in getting the kiddos packed up to spend the time with their grandparent's and also get everything squared away to go.  Not to mention trying fruitlessly to find a cocktail dress--but that's a whole other story.  So I just wanted to say that I haven't disappeared but instead will be enjoying some warm weather for a bit.  I can't wait to see what all you other foodies have cooked up while I'm away.  Adios!


  1. Have a fabulous trip. Enjoy the warm weather!

  2. HOpe you have a wonderful vacation! I love trips with just my husband--it is so fun to just relax and enjoy each other! I just wanted to let you know that I received the cookbook today! I can not wait to try out all the fun recipes!! Thank you again so very much!

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