
Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Dear blog,

I am so sorry to be neglecting you.  I do, however, have a pretty good excuse (or two).  We went out of town for a bit in December and then I flew back for a quick trip to box up my house.  We also moved into a  new place and don't have internet yet.   But it's not without trying.  It's just that the people who built our house forgot to install the box on the house to get internet so it's been quite a run around.  I know, I know--those are all just pretty lame excuses.  I do have so many pictures and recipes to add to you, blog.  But I am now sending you this message from my new laptop that I got for Christmas and it has no pictures on it.  And unfortunately the computer with those pictures isn't set up yet and has no internet access.  And to add to the whole predicament--the laptop won't accept my camera's memory card and so I have to wait until our stuff arrives in a couple of days and go searching for the camera's cord.   Whew!  What a mess.  But I haven't forgotten about you blog and really miss you.  I promise to be back very, very soon!



  1. I miss your absence, too, but whew! What a runaround with internet/moving/new computer. Take your time but I'll be excited when you are up and running.

  2. I'm excited for you to come back also. I love your recipes.

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