
Friday, December 9, 2011

Amazing Rolls!

Oh how I love a good roll! I could exists on rolls alone if that were even humanly possible. I have a recipe for rolls that is tried and true and that I've been making for years.  But the last time I made them they seemed a little bit drier than I wanted them to be and were not as good the second day.  So I did something risky when I was put in charge of rolls on Thanksgiving and tried a new recipe (my husband kept asking "are you sure" as I talked about it that morning). We all know that risk can sometimes be an epic fail. And Thanksgiving probably wasn't the best day to be gambling...but I am SO glad I did. I was more than relieved when I tasted the rolls and found them to be perfect in every way.  These rolls are seriously amazing!!!  They are super soft and moist.  This recipe has virtually the same ingredients as my other recipe but the ratios are just different.  And these ratios are exactly right on!  There is a buttery, rich, soft texture and flavor. The amount of flour is perfect as they are not too dry but instead are amazingly soft and moist. I am smitten with this recipe! 

I had been given this recipe a couple of years ago.  The ladies in our church were all talking about Maggie's rolls and how they were to die for and so I asked if she'd share the recipe.  She was so sweet and immediately brought it over with detailed instructions. My only regret is that I didn't try them sooner.  I was also insanely pleased when they were STILL soft and delicious and not all dried out on the second day...perfect for Thanksgiving leftovers!  This is my new "go to" roll recipe (complete with Maggie's detailed instructions)!  I hope you enjoy it!!!

Naomi's Rolls from Maggie

1 1/2 C milk
1 C butter
1 C sugar
8 C flour
1/2 T salt
6 eggs
1 1/2 T yeast
1/4 C melted butter 

1. Put milk and 1 C butter in a bowl and microwave until butter is melted.  This will need to cool for about 1/2 hour.

2. While milk mixture is cooling, you can dissolve yeast in 1/2 C warm water. (She uses a 2 C measuring cup and add about 1 tsp sugar to get the yeast started.  Mix the yeast and sugar in the water with a fork or a small whisk.  Let the yeast rise in the measuring cup, and it will probably rise to the 2 cup level in about ten minutes).

3. Mix the eggs until really frothy.  Add the sugar and salt.  Add the milk and butter when it is cool. (If it is still too hot, it will kill the yeast).  Mix in the yeast.

4. Add the flour one cup at a time.  A dough hook works best, but if you don't have one, you can stir it with a sturdy wooden spoon.)

5. Cover the bowl with a dish towel and let rise for four hours.  (She puts her on top of the dry while she's doing laundry.  If you can't find a warm place, you could take the bowl on a cookie sheet, preheat the oven to 170 degrees, turn it off, and place it in the oven.  You may want to check on if after three hours or so.  The dough is usually double in size.)

6. Melt the 1/4 C butter in the microwave.  Divide the dough into 3 or 4 groups.  (3 makes really big rolls and 4 makes medium size rolls).  Roll out each group on a floured surface to make a circle about 12 inches in diameter.  Spread a thin layer of melted butter over the dough.

7. Now cut the dough (the circle you've rolled out) into quarters and then divide each quarter into three--just like you'd cut a pizza.  Roll from the outside to the center to form the crescent rolls.  When you put them on a cookie sheet, place the last part of the triangle down, so it won't "unroll" during baking.  Cover with a dish towel and let rise until double in size.  (She thinks they feel like tissue paper to the touch when they're ready).  If you are crunched for time, you can preheat the oven to 170 degrees, turn it off, and place the cookie sheets in the oven.  They should rise in an hour.

8.  Bake at 375 degrees for 10 minutes. Then brush each roll with leftover melted butter.  Enjoy!

Makes 3-4 dozen rolls

1 comment:

  1. I am going to make these for our Easter Dinner! They look yummy!



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