
Friday, December 2, 2011

Creamy Crockpot Hot Chocolate

 Don't you just LOVE Pinterest?  I adore it!  And if you're not on must go check it out.  I saw this hot cocoa on there and knew I had to try it as it was touted as the "Best Ever".  I love a good hot chocolate. I used to mix up the instant cocoa and have it for dinner with toast when I was a poor college student (although that can't be considered a good hot chocolate).   And then in between my junior and senior year in college, I stayed in Vienna for a few weeks and loved the little cafes there and drank oodles of cocoa.  Although it did require a sugar cube or two to sweeten it up for this American.

Well, no sugar cubes required for this recipes.   It really does have the perfect balance of sweetness. Check out the line-up for this creamy, silky cocoa:  heavy cream, sweetened condensed milk,  real chocolate, milk, and vanilla.  How could that not be perfect?  And it really was no REALLY is the "best ever".  I often feel like I need to add or subtract something from hot chocolate because it never seems 100% right.  But I have found THE recipe. The ratio of milk to cream to chocolate is absolutely perfect!   You must try this!

Creamy Hot Cocoa in Crockpot from Mrs. Happy Homemaker

1.5 cups heavy cream
1 can of sweetened condensed milk (14 oz) 
2 cups milk chocolate chips
6 cups milk
1 tsp vanilla extract

Stir all the ingredients together in your crockpot.  Cover and cook on low for 2 hours--coming back to whisk it every so often.  Garnish with whipped cream or marshmallows


  1. I totally love that you made this! We adore this cocoa!! You know, I actually made it up from another recipe that I fell short on ingredients on, so I started adding other things in. I love cooking mistakes like that :) I'm going to share this link on the Mrs facebook.

  2. This was delicious! I will be posting on my blog in the next week or so!

  3. We are snowed in and I have everything but the chocolate chips I have unsweetened cocoa anybody know how I can adapt ?


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