
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Lion House Taco Soup

Oh how we love Mexican food at our house.  One thing I  just can't resist when we go out for Mexican is the tortilla chips and salsa.  So this soup becomes irresistible for me when you add tortilla chips.  And don't forget the cheese (my kid's favorite addition) and sour cream. This is comfort food at it's greatest, in my opinion.  I grew up having this soup and now make it often for my own family. It is so delicious and SO easy.  

It's the perfect food to make on a cold, wintery day because it's hearty, filling, thick, and packed with flavor.  I love the combination of beans, corn, onions, tomatoes, and taco flavoring.  I also love that I always have the ingredients on hand and can whip it up in a pinch.  You could also throw it in the crock pot in the morning and let the flavors meld together all day.  It's always yummy the first day--but even better the second day as everything marries together.  I've modified the recipe a little bit and do two different kinds of beans for even more protein and fiber.  When my kid's were small and wouldn't eat soup, I'd buy the "scoop" type of tortilla chips and put little spoonfuls of it in each chip and they'd gobble their "boats" up with no complaining!

Lion House Taco Soup adapted from "The Lion House Cookbook"

Brown together:
1 lb ground beef
1 medium onion

1 16oz can black beans (drained)
1 16oz can pinto beans (drained)--or another kind you like better
1 16oz can cut corn (drained)
1 28oz can petite diced tomatoes
1 16oz can tomato sauce
1/2 pkg mild taco seasoning (more if desired)

Simmer 20 minutes.  Serve over tortilla chips and top with cheese and sour cream.

Tips: I throw the beans and corn into a colander to drain them and then I rinse them off with water.  I'm not sure if that makes it more nutritious but I feel better about it that way.  I often add the taco seasoning and then taste it to see if it needs a little bit more. 

1 comment:

  1. It's one of my family favorites... If you don't happen to have sour cream on hand, you can use cottage cheese... And, one of my guests asked for croutons... If you haven't tried it, it's delicious ��. Great meal for taking to a family �� when you get to help take in a meal!


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