
Thursday, March 1, 2012

Perfectly Crispy & Healthy Potatoes

I'm always on the hunt for a side dish that I can make in a pinch with ingredients on hand.  Well--I almost always have potatoes so this is a perfect option. We like to throw together breakfast for dinner at our house and this becomes a perfect addition to eggs, oatmeal pancakes, and turkey sausage  (our usual fare).  But we also love it pared with meat and a salad instead of baked or mashed potatoes.  And I love that you can make it healthy.  And it is so flavorful when perfectly seasoned with salt, pepper, and onion salt and has a nice, slight crunch.  It also tastes equally delicious with red or russet potatoes.

Perfect Crunchy & Healthy Potatoes 

Cooking spray
3-4 russet potatoes, peeled, and cut into 1/2 inch cubes
Salt & pepper
Onion salt
3/4-1 C water

Start by peeling the potatoes (I leave the skin on when using red potatoes) and cutting them into cubes

Heat a large saute pan to medium-high heat and liberally spray with cooking spray.  Add the potatoes.  Season liberally with salt, pepper, and onion salt to taste.  Saute stirring frequently and adding more cooking spray as needed for 4-5 minutes (can turn the heat up if needed).  Add the water and cover the pan with a lid.  Cook for 8 minutes.  I always put the timer on.  The water should have steamed the potatoes and be evaporated.  Take the lid off and add more cooking spray and saute potatoes until brown.   Remove from heat and serve.

Tips: You can add vegetable oil or butter while sauteing if you'd like.  I also taste a potato after it's steamed and see if I need to season it more before the final saute.  I saw a similar recipe on The Food Network where they put it in the oven for the final browning at 375 for about 20 minutes.  I've never tried that but I bet it'd be delicious, too.  I just like how this recipe doesn't take quite so long.

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